Friday, 21 December 2007

PHP_CodeSniffer 1.0.0 released

It has been almost 16 months since PHP_CodeSniffer was accepted into PEAR and I've just released 1.0.0 stable. It's been a great year for this project and I can't thank the PHP community enough, and the PEAR community in particular, for their extensive testing and patching.

There were more changes since RC3 than I thought there were going to be; a few bugs but a couple of new important features as well, although they are mostly behind the scenes.

The biggest change is the fact that you can now specify a full path to a custom coding standard rather than having to "pear install" your standard to ensure PHP_CodeSniffer can find it. This is great if you have your own standard sitting in a SVN or CVS checkout somewhere and you want to keep it up-to-date without reinstalling it into PEAR each time.

I have to thank both Dirk Thomas and Stefan Priebsch for pushing me to get this feature in before the 1.0.0 release as I had previously scheduled it for inclusion in 1.1.0. Both are involved in the Phing project and these changes should allow a PHP_CodeSniffer Phing task to be available soon.

You can view the full changelog, and download the release, on the package download page.

Sunday, 2 December 2007

PHP_CodeSniffer plugin for TextMate

I've been watching Scott use this plugin for a while and have been waiting for him to release it. Today, Scott has released a TextMate plugin that allows you to run PHP_CodeSniffer on an open file. You get a great popup error report, generated from PHP_CodeSniffer's CSV output, that allows you to click errors and jump to the line.

Install instructions, the plugin download and some screenshots are available on Scott's blog.