Sunday, 31 December 2006

Looking back at PEAR in 2006

Greg Beaver has posted a nice history of PEAR in 2006, entitled 2006: a PEAR retrospective. From the article:

2006 was an interesting year for PEAR, a number of exciting events happened both inside PEAR's workings and in PHP at large that affected PEAR. I will attempt to give my best shot at a 20-20 hindsight look back at PEAR in the past year.

Of course, 2006 was a big year for me in PEAR. My account was opened by Pierre in July, just a few months before he announced his retirement. The PHP_CodeSniffer proposal was submitted in July and finally approved in late August and I released the first version of PHP_CodeSniffer through PEAR in early September, a very proud moment for everyone involved at Squiz.

The first stable version of PHP_CodeSniffer is planned for release sometime in 2007, so next year should include another proud milestone for my involvement in the PEAR project.