Earlier in the year, Sebastian gave QA workshops in both Melbourne and Brisbane. He's heading back to Australia in December to run his 3-day QA workshop in Sydney.
This 3-day workshop will introduce the attendees to writing unit tests for the backend and system tests for the frontend of a web application as well as managing the quality from development to deployment and maintainance using tools such as PHPUnit, Selenium RC, phpUnderControl, PHP_CodeSniffer, and PHP_Depend.
The workshop costs $1695 + GST and is running between Mon 8 Dec and Wed 10 Dec. You can read more about it at Sebastian's blog.
The cost of the workshop is minimal compared to the skills you will learn and the QA tools you will be introduced to (over 3 days remember!). I think it is so worthwhile that I want all the PHP developers at Squiz (some already familiar with PHPUnit and PHP_CodeSniffer) to attend. Now that would really hurt the budget and our timelines, so I'm hoping to get Sebastian in to give a shortend workshop at Squiz. He is available for custom in-house training if you are also interested. More details at Open Query.